Estudo sobre a implementação de um sistema de entregas de pizzas com a utilização de RPAS / Study on the implementation of a pizza delivery system with the use of RPAS


  • Alexandre Ulisses Comitre
  • Luiz Carlos Balcewicz


RPA, Entregas, Pizza, Delivery


In addition to the military uses for which they were initially developed, remotely piloted aircraft (RPAs) have presented diverse applications in the civil area at significant and increasing speeds. The technology for RPA as well as for autonomous aircraft has evolved significantly in recent years. Legislation, in most countries, greatly restricts commercial use and lags behind the technological advances that are incorporated.This work refers to the study on the feasibility of implementing a pizza delivery system with the use of RPA , in spite of its current limitations in terms of regulation. After the elaboration of this study, it can be inferred that there is an increasing tendency for the use of these aircraft in our Country. The RPAS have high technology incorporated and offer a high operational level and However, regulation in Brazil, as in other countries, is a restrictive factor, making it difficult to grow this type of product delivery, which means difficulty in reducing delivery costs to the pizzerias segment and also generates discouragement investment in the area. 


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How to Cite

Comitre, A. U., & Balcewicz, L. C. (2018). Estudo sobre a implementação de um sistema de entregas de pizzas com a utilização de RPAS / Study on the implementation of a pizza delivery system with the use of RPAS. Brazilian Journal of Technology, 1(1), 15–34. Retrieved from



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