Heart rate and erythrogram assessments in equine running athletes / Avaliações da frequência cardíaca e eritrograma em equinos atletas de corrida


  • Guilherme Henrique Souza Rocha
  • Guilherme Barbosa da Costa
  • Isadora Helena Sousa Melo
  • Mariana Reato Nascimento
  • Izabela Puerchi Ribeiro
  • Vitor Foroni Casas
  • Felipe Farias Pereira da Câmara Barros
  • Daniel Paulino Junior




horse, red cells, electrocardiogram, training.


In the equine species it is possible to determine with the electrocardiogram the heart rate, the rhythm, and the time of electrical conduction of the heart. The performance of the erythrogram is of paramount importance, since it evaluates the conditions of the red cells, which are responsible for carrying the oxygen molecules, promoting support to the skeletal muscles during exercise. The aim of this study was to seek changes in the training of horses with high athletic performance, through the analysis of electrocardiogram and erythrogram parameters. For this purpose, 10 quarter-mile (QM) horses, aged between 5 and 15 years, weighing between 350 and 550 kg, were regularly subjected to physical activities, this being explosive, where the animals are around 10 to 15 minutes in warm-up, then they are put on brete, from where they will leave and go for about 600 meters in nine seconds, in a track composed by sand. Pre-training heart rate and rhythm were evaluated with the TEB computerized electrocardiograph and pre- and post-training erythrogram, with the jugular venipuncture performed, with the removal of approximately 5 ml of blood and placed in tubes containing EDTA (ethylenediamine tetra acid -acetic) for the conservation of the sample, and a future analysis in the clinical laboratory of the Veterinary Hospital of the University of Franca. The post-training was performed shortly after the horses returned from training. The results found an average of 42.12 bpm (beats per minute) in the pre-training heart rate and an average of 10.63x106 µL (microliters), 16.2 g / dL (grams per deciliter), 47.57 %, 44.92 fL (fentiliters) and 34.27 g / dL in the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit, VCM and CHCM in the pre-training of the erythrogram, respectively. In the post-training, it was not possible to perform the heart rate analysis, only the erythrogram, where the following data were found: 14.67x106 µL, 22.42 g / dL, 68%, 46.08 fL and 33.88 g / dL in the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit, VCM and CHCM, respectively. After analyzing these results, it was concluded that there was no change in the heart rate data, however the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin and hematocrit increased in the post-training in relation to the pre-training.


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Como Citar

Rocha, G. H. S., da Costa, G. B., Melo, I. H. S., Nascimento, M. R., Ribeiro, I. P., Casas, V. F., Barros, F. F. P. da C., & Paulino Junior, D. (2021). Heart rate and erythrogram assessments in equine running athletes / Avaliações da frequência cardíaca e eritrograma em equinos atletas de corrida. Brazilian Journal of Animal and Environmental Research, 4(1), 221–235. https://doi.org/10.34188/bjaerv4n1-021



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